Graph Process Unit ( GPU) usually adopts a pipelined architecture, and implements some general computer graphics API. 图形处理器(GPU)通常采用流水线体系结构,遵循通用图形接口规范。
Design and Realization of Audio Process Unit in Multimedia Conference 多媒体会议中音频处理单元的设计与实现
Ring road is set for main process unit, facilitating traffic of fire engine. 主体工艺装置均设环形道路,有利于消防车通行。
A medical device is provided comprising a transcutaneous device unit and a process unit. 本发明涉及一种医疗设备,包括经皮设备单元和处理单元。
According to general layout and partition of process unit, one central control room and three regional cabinet rooms are constructed at the first stage. 根据总平面布置和工艺装置的分区,一期建有一个中央控制室和三个区域机柜室。
With the new toner container, shake it horizontally then place it in the process unit. 拿来新的墨粉罐,水平摇动它,然后将它放到工艺设备内。
Pave the site by Macadam in the empty place between the process unit areas and roads. 工艺装置区与道路之间空地进行碎石场地铺装。
The cassette station robot and process unit robot quickly, reliably and exactly transfer wafers. 片盒站机械手和工艺单元机器人联合传送晶片,准确、安全、快捷;
The merging process unit is composed of register information management module, faceted classification schema management module and unified faceted classification schema management module. 合并处理单元由注册信息管理模块、刻面分类模式管理模块和统一刻面分类模式管理模块三部分组成。
MCU, as the central process unit, together with LCD& LED displaying technology constitutes the whole controlling system, which can realize both isokinetic and isotonic resistance character. 控制系统采用单片机控制技术、LED显示及LCD显示技术。实现了等速和等张阻力特性以及各种运动参数和生理参数的测试。
Since 2000, computer graphics has been promoted greatly by GPU ( Graphics Process Unit). GPU(GraphicsProcessUnit)在近几年极大地推动了计算机图形学的发展。
The hardware consists of a central process unit and a signal collecting unit. 硬件部分由中央处理单元和信号采集单元组成;
Study on Application of BZH-1 Neutralization Corrosion Inhibitor in Process Unit BZH-1中和缓蚀剂在装置上的应用研究
Drainage area firstly, is a hydrographic process unit. 流域在自然界首先是一个水文过程单位。
It is composed of a signal injection device, wireless nodes, a wireless process unit at the switch station and an intelligent fault detection system. 该系统由信号注入装置、无线节点、开关站无线处理单元和智能故障信息处理系统构成。
In this paper, the parameter of controlled object is analyzed, and the SRD motor control system is designed, where 8098 microcomputer is act-ed as a centre process unit. 本文分析了被控参数的特点,介绍了我们所设计的以8098单片机为控制单元的SRD电机控制系统。
The core of the system is faceted classification schema merging process unit. 该系统的核心部分是刻面分类模式合并处理单元。
All kind of representative circuit and system that regarded as control object were realized in the experiment box, which had data process unit in order to completing data acquisition, data output, and communication with PC; 实验箱作为控制对象,用来构成各种典型环节与系统,并含有数据处理单元,用于数据采集、输出以及和上位机通讯;
Off-line steady optimization of nitric acid process unit is discussed in this thesis. 本文以某厂硝酸生产装置为优化对象进行了离线稳态参数优化工作的研究。
Technical features and purpose of a FPU-H3 field process unit are introduced. Working theory, communication setting and application of in the industry production process tank are discussed emphatically. 介绍了FPU-H3罐处理器的特点及用途,论述了其工作原理、通讯设置以及在工业生产过程槽中的应用。
The main control board ( central process unit board, CPU board) of measurement and control system is designed, and high accuracy programmable dual voltage source board ( DVS board) is designed. Improving suggestions of the CPU board are brought forward. 设计了检测与控制系统主控制板(CPU板)和高精度可编程双电压源板(DVS板),并提出对现在主控制板设计的升级方案建议。
The main technical parameters, structure, material selection and fabrication process for 4 reactor stack in reforming process unit are described, which is the first set designed and fabricated in China. 介绍了国内首台自行设计和制造的立式重叠重整反应器的主要技术参数、设备结构、材料选用及制造技术等。
This module supports environmental analysis for mass stream, process unit and total process flow, then calculate environmental impact index for each process alternative. 该模块可以对物质流、过程单元和总流程提供环境模拟分析,并计算过程方案的环境影响指数。
The principle and technology of a new type of t vortex flow transducer for gas are introduced. The transducer consists of the signal acquisition unit and signal process unit, the functions including signal conversion, signal process and signal display and output are integrated in it. 介绍了气体涡街流量变送器的原理和方法,变送器由信号获取单元和信号处理单元组成,集成了信号变换、信号处理和信号显示与输出等功能。
In the middle is the dispersed redundancy spot controlling station distributed process unit ( DPU). 中间层为分布式冗余现场控制站(DPU),它处于主干网和现场总线网之间;
The hardware of versatile intelligent process unit of the flow sensors was designed. 设计出了通用型流量传感器智能处理单元硬件系统。
In this article, the design and calculation of piping support outside of process unit in petrochemical industry, the common problems oc-curred in the design and the correction methods were introduced, which can be referenced by the engineers. 介绍了石油化工生产装置工艺外管的设计和计算、设计中存在的通病和改正建议,供设计人员参考。
The solution is that under the precondition of according with MPEG-2 standard, making some special process in PSI process unit and interweave unit so that the demultiplexer can recover single-program TS. 本文提出了一套复用和解复用方案:在符合MPEG-2标准的前提下,对复用器的PSI处理模块和复用交织模块进行了特殊处理,使得解复用器能准确完整的恢复原单节目传输流。
Its design idea is introduced, with the virtual DPU ( Distributed Process Unit) program as the core of the processing control system simulation. 介绍了面向对象调试软件的设计思想,采用虚拟分散处理单元DPU(DistributedProcessUnit)程序作为过程控制系统仿真的核心。